Ms. Barbara Jones, a name that is familiar to so many in the Atlanta dental community, recently took over leadership for the Ben Massell Dental Clinic in her new role as Director of the Clinic. Barbara first began working at the clinic 48 years ago as a dental assistant. Since then, she’s moved to supervisor, then Dental Operations Manager, Interim Director, and finally Director. She continues many of her responsibilities that she excelled at, including managing our force of over 100 volunteer dentists. Over the years, Barbara has built unique relationships with each and every volunteer; she’s seen them graduate, retire, buy and sell practices, win awards, have children and grandchildren, all while remaining committed to giving back at the clinic. As a true ‘people-person’, working with volunteers and her staff is one of the parts she loves most about the job.
Her level of longevity and dedication in her position is somewhat unusual nowadays, and when we asked Barbara why she remains at BMDC, she responded that it is “because of what we do. You reach out and help those who are less fortunate, remembering that a turn of events could put you in the same situation.”
“I love it,” she added. “I love changing lives, helping people, and also helping people become gainfully employed (by restoring their smiles). It’s like being paid to be a missionary.”
“I’m excited to serve at this level as Director. My commitment and interactions with volunteers is even more meaningful now, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to learn more about running the practice from a non-profit, business side of things,” she shared.
Thank you Barbara, we are grateful for your leadership!